Hello! It's been quite a while since my last Beckett update, and I'm very sorry! I have my reasons, of which include: we bought a house, sold our old one, had a two-week therapy intensive for Beckett in June, moved, and I started back at work (plus continued with regular weekly physio appointments and less frequent other appointments of various types). It's been busy, but generally things are going well. Beckett had a two-week intensive at Canadian Center for Development (CCD) at the beginning of June. I had hopes that he would "master" independent sitting during this intensive. I think my goals and expectations were too black and white for both myself and Beckett. Beckett still isn't sitting independently. Even though the skill has not been "mastered", during this intensive - and in the weekly physio sessions since - we've seen a dramatic improvement in Beckett's body awareness, his core strength and his posture. He has all the building blo
This blog is intended to provide information and updates on Beckett’s (and our) journey with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), Cerebral Palsy (CP), and Currarino’s Syndrome and how we are doing as a family of three. More than that it is also a way for us, Beckett’s parents, to share and process what we’ve been through as a family.